Friday, December 2, 2016

Kansas City, Government & Growing in Prayer

[Originally sent out on September 19th. If you'd like to get on my email update list you can contact me at]

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of attending the YWAM Together conference in Kansas City! YWAM Together is a one week gathering of YWAM missionaries and friends from all across the globe. We heard a lot this week about the current big picture focuses of YWAM - making sure that every person on earth has access to a bible in their native language, and bringing a Godly influence to the seven spheres of society.

Influencing the Spheres of Society
In Jesus' last words on earth, the Great Commission, he told us to make disciples of all nations. In the 1970's, YWAM caught the vision that this entails much more than simply preaching the gospel and being a missionary in the traditional religious context. As Christians, we are called to bring excellence and Godly character into every area of society: Family, Economics, Government, Religion, Education, Communication/Media, and Celebration. A little more on that concept here

Influencing Government
Throughout the week I participated in the group focused on government. 7 years ago, I felt God put a burden in my heart to see Him bring transformation in the United States and among government specifically. It was very inspiring to hear from people that God is using around the world to make an impact in government, whether it be through lobbying for action on social justice and economic development, working as a representative in parliament, or simply through having relationships with government officials that provide counsel and wisdom. Our group is remaining connected online and I'm excited to continue learning in this area and see where God might eventually lead me.

[Friends from the Spiritual Leadership And Ministry School in Kona, HI 2014!] 

Growing in Prayer

The most impactful speaker of the week to me was Mike Bickle, the founder of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. IHOP KC has been engaged in 24/7 worship and intercessory prayer since 1999. I was deeply impressed by the link between movements of prayer and of missions. If you look at every revival in history, it always starts out of a place of spiritual hunger and prayer. I feel inspired and challenged to grow in my own prayer life and relationship with God. Whether I remain in YWAM long term or not, I know that God has a mission for my life and I will not be able to accomplish it without a strong connection to Him in prayer.

I Want to Pray for YOU!

I was praying for some direction before I sent out this update and I felt God impress upon me to start a Prayer Team! This means two things. (1) If you'd like to be on my team I want to send you monthly emails with my own personal prayer requests. And (2) I want to pray for you! I would love to continually hear from you and be supporting you in prayer any way that I could. I am so thankful for all the love, support and prayer I've received over the years and I would love to give back and be there for you. Just let me know!

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