Monday, November 3, 2014

Because, I Am In Love

This morning during base worship God was really speaking to my heart, and I felt compelled to share what He was impressing upon me...(no fancy intros here)...

We were singing the words, "Not my will, but Yours be done, cause I'm in love...I'm in love...I am in love", and I had the revelation of Jesus expressing that very same thing to the Father. As He was fasting in the wilderness and looking out upon the land before He started His ministry, knowing all the trial and opposition He would face, He must have taken strength in the will of the Father. He was compelled by love, both to obey the Father and to minister to the poor and broken of this world. As He was praying in the garden of Gethsemane, faced with the reality that He was about to endure the brutality and shame of the cross, He said not My will, but Yours be done (Mathew 26:39). How deeply in love must Jesus be, that He would obey the Father unto torturous death all that we might be saved! If we as Christians could muster up but a fraction of that furious love, in response to the love and sacrifice of Christ, how the world might be changed! A song of response came to my heart;

I'm alive and I am free
Because You are in love
With the Father
And with me

I then pictured myself standing in the wilderness with Jesus, overlooking the world His life so radically changed, and we were worshiping together. We had one arm around each other, and the other raised in worship to the Father; "Not my will, but Yours be done, cause I'm in love...I'm in love...I am in love!". Then I pictured the same thing as we were high up, looking out over my hometown, united in worship to the Father; "Not my will, but Yours be done, cause I'm in love...I'm in love...I am in love!".

And just last night the message I heard at church was out of Isaiah 6. "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?'. And I said, 'here am I. Send me!'" (Isaiah 6:8).

I may not know where my future will take me, but I know that the love that has changed my life calls for a lifelong response. There are no casual, unimportant days in the Kingdom of God. Every day, Christ walks with me. Oh how I desire to have an increased sensitivity to His presence, and an expanded capacity to receive His love. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Matthew 5:6).

There could be no greater calling, no greater adventure, than to live my life in the center of His will and purposes for me. Not my will, but His be done. Why?...

Because, I am in Love.

1 comment:

  1. It's a joy to be able to read about your YWAM experiences / journeys, Trevor! May God continue to LEAD you and to BLESS you and to PROVIDE for ALL of your needs as you walk in obedience to what He's showing you to do. Thank you for your prayers for us - we finally got the keys and were able to start moving in our house in Paradise, CA this month! YAY for God! In all the years that we've been married, we've only been able to own a home for 18 months, and then we moved to what is now YWAM Richardson Springs ( Chico, CA) to raise our family and run the K-12 school there for 16 yrs. Moving to Sebastopol and to another Christian school for 17 yrs didn't allow us to be able to purchase anything there, so THIS IS a MIRACLE from God for us!!
