Monday, December 1, 2014

God is generous!

Here at YWAM Los Angeles we currently have three Discipleship Training Schools (DTS) running and 8 outreach teams that are leaving this week to serve for the next three months in other nations. Today is the deadline for all of the students to pay off their balance for outreach. Outreach trips range from 3-4 thousand dollars. This morning during our time of base-wide community worship we took an offering for the students who still needed more funds. There were about ten students who still needed money, four of them from the team that I am leading to Costa Rica and Panama. The total need between all students was about $8,000.

As a community of around 150 people, about half of which are students and the other half full-time volunteers at the base, we raised $7,300 through giving. And all four of the students on my team got paid off in full, plus some extra. Incredible.

This is all a reflection of who God is. God is so generous and He can meet every single need we have in our lives, from the spiritual to the practical. Every bit of the tuition and outreach cost I had in my DTS was paid off through the amazing generosity of others. We were never created to be fully independent. We need God's grace and we need each other. Community is beautiful, and it's God's idea. To those of you have supported me in my journey over the past couple years, through your thoughts, prayers and finances, thank you so much. I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing without you. I hope you're encouraged and filled with hope today. God is so good. He is so generous to us. He lavishes us with more grace, mercy, love and kindness than we could ever deserve.

God is good. God is beautiful, and you are made in His image. You are beautiful.

(ps - we'd appreciate your prayers today for our last student who still needs about $700!)

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