Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Every Seed Is Designed

The teaching theme this week is our original design. What is original design? It's discovering who God has created us to be. The image He had in mind since before time. The dream He dreamed as He formed our hearts and destined our purpose. He spoke the universe into creation, and so also were each one of us spoken forth.

We've all heard it said in church that no two people are the same. God makes each one of us unique and special. While we accept this as common truth, I think it's hard to grasp that fully in our day to day thinking. Imagine, in the entire history of the world, from creation to now, and reaching on until the end of this Earth, never once has God churned out a replica. He doesn't copy and paste. His creativity is so vast, that were the world to stretch out for all eternity and the number of souls be endless, still He would make all things with new calling a purpose.

Think of a human life as a seed. Some seeds are crushed before life ever comes to bear. Some seeds die the second they sprout life above soil. And some seeds grow into a mighty tree that bears fruit and lives a long life. So often I think we feel like a seed that never sprouts into it's full potential, never bears good fruit, and never stands tall in the glory of what it was designed to truly be. But how can we limit the potential impact of a human life given the scope of human history?

Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr, Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, The Beatles...
Examples of individuals who lived so vibrantly, thought so vividly, and created so uniquely that the impact extends into every generation that follows. You began as a seed, but God has a plan for a mighty tree that bears good fruit. It has deep roots and stands tall. All who see it gaze in wonder. They study the branches, examine the leaves, taste the fruit, and realize that there are forests full of trees but this one is special and beautiful.

I hope I break through the ground and sprout life for all to see. I hope people see the product of my growth and are delighted. I hope that what I blossom will be blown by the winds of time, thus carrying the seed of my life to distant lands and future generations. I sit today feeling like a beautiful seed, bursting with potential, designed to thrive and produce life.

I don't know how you feel about you, or about the masses of people you see all around you, but I hope you catch the revelation of how precious every life is. You wouldn't discount a seed because it wasn't planted in good soil or hadn't yet grown into a tree. In the same way I hope we can all embrace the fact that every life is unique, precious and important.

On the days you feel buried in the dirt, remind yourself that you've still got time. You will grow into something beautiful and tall. Focus on your roots. Let them grow deep and strong. The rest will come.

God didn't copy and paste you.
You have an original design.
You have a destiny.
Find it and embrace it with every breath.

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