I sat down intending to write about the work I've been doing with high school students over the past month, but I felt that before I began I should rest and reflect have some quite time before God. So I turned on some music and turned to Psalm 126, which is not unusual, because it's pretty much my favorite passage in the Bible and God has spoken to me very powerfully through it in the past.
Psalm 126 is described as "A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem"...
"When the LORD brought back the captives to Zion,
We were like men who dreamed [or men restored to health, or -- it was like a dream!]
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
Our tongues with songs of joy
Then it was said among the nations 'the LORD has done great things for them'
The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy" (vs 1-3, NIV)
I read this shortly after coming to YWAM LA and giving my life back to God. I was broken wide open by the profoundness of God's grace when I read these words. This was my story...God reminded me of this today, and I think this is what He wanted me to share about...
As I revisited this memory, I wondered to myself if I even realize the power of my own testimony. Do I still give God credit for the dramatic change He has done in my life? Do I give myself any credit for actually being a changed man? My human nature is incredibly self-critical. I will always point to a dozen of my weaknesses before I recognize any of my strengths. But I am still a living testimony of the power of God's love and redemption, and I want to carry that testimony with confidence and always give God the thanks and praise that He deserves.
I was headed for hell, but now my name is written in heaven. I was so desperately lost, but He found me. How great is my sin! How great is my shame! How undesirable I think that I should be to such a holy God! But how much greater still is His desire for me! My Father desires me more than I have ever understood. He so jealously desires to win my heart over with His unsearchably deep love, and to let nothing of this world come between He and I. How unworthy I feel! But He has placed the worth and righteousness of Jesus Christ upon me! I have accepted the salvation that comes through Christ, so when my Father looks and me, He sees that I am covered and made new by the perfect blood of of His Son. Oh if we could truly believe that, and let it become the spiritual reality of how we view ourselves....
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit come together and celebrate over me. How in love they are with me!...Their Little Prince...
It is undeniable that I was living in captivity. I was a slave to my own sin, but I have been set free. Our sinful nature is like a sickness, but He continues to heal us more day by day if we continue to faithfully follow Him and remain open and willing to say yes to all of His perfect plans and desires for us. We are pilgrims, ever getting closer to home. The Israelites viewed home as the land given to them by God, but now we see it to be much more. Home can be anywhere I find myself, as long as I am living in unity with God...as long as I am following His Holy Spirit. When we are together, I am home. And at the end of this great pilgrimage we will experience whole and complete unity with our Father. We will truly and forever be home. That will be my final release from captivity. That will be my final healing...
And what is my desire now? That the nations will look to us and see the greatness of God. Not because of our own greatness, but the greatness of His love...
"When the LORD brought back the captives to Zion, we were like men who dreamed.
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
'The LORD has done great things for them.'
The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy"...