The next evening we returned to the same church for another service. I wasn't active in any ministry this time, but I did notice the father from the previous evening and we greeted each other. At the end of the service, he came up to me and introduced me to a young man that I had noticed across from me throughout the night. The father did not speak much English, but he told me that this was his son that I had prayed for, and with that he departed and left the two of us together. His son did speak English, and began by saying that his father had told him that I had received a word for him in prayer. Talk about awkward. Here I stood before a man that had only existed in my mind theoretically the night before, now I had met him and had to skip straight into the business of sharing prophecy. No pressure. But alas, I told him what I had felt, and he received it well. He shared his story with me, how he had grown up in this church and was very active on the worship team, but some type of dramatic event had taken place in his family, and now he no longer felt comfortable being around the church congregation. On top of this, most of his co-workers were not Christian and were not encouraging him in his faith. He said that he had only come to church that night on a whim, at his sisters suggestion. And tonight of all nights, here I was to meet him. It was awesome to be able to listen to him share his heart, to encourage him, and to pray with him. And when he comes to mind, I continue to pray for him and his family.
(Video includes me sharing about this story + other stories from San Jose)
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help..." - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a