Monday, December 29, 2014

Costa Rica Week 1 & 2: Talking to strangers, feeding the homeless, and milking the goats

Hola from Costa Rica!

Our team arrived safely on the morning of Decenber 6th and settled into the YWAM base in Heredia. The base is tucked away up in the hills above town on several beautiful acres. It's definitely very peaceful here.  

                                                                  (A view of the main building at YWAM Heredia)

Church Ministry:

Our ministry started right away on Sunday, Two teammates and I got to lead worship for a church service and another one of our students shared a testimony. They were very welcoming and appreciative, It was great to be a part of their community for the morning. I also met a Costa Rican woman there who lived in San Francisco for several years as well as Walnut Creek - the city near and dear to my heart and a place I called home for almost a year. That was an amusing highlight for me. What a small world eh!

Prayer & Evangelism:

On Monday we went out for what was called "The Amazing Prayer Race". We went throughout the city meeting people and learning about life in Costa Rica and Heredia. After getting to know people a little we asked if we could pray for them, and most of them said yes! People seem to be generally more open here than back in the States, We even got to meet the police chief and pray for him after he told us about the issues that face the public and the police department in Heredia, I was really surprised by his openness to talk and how much he welcomed prayer. He said we were welcomed back anytime.

Homeless Ministry: 

On Tuesday we got to work with a homeless feeding ministry, which seemed to to be the highlight of the week for most of our team. Most of the men living on the streets suffer with addiction, and many of them have been shamed away from their families and don't receive love or support from them. I met a man who had been in an alcoholic treatment facility that his family was paying for, but because of extremely poor treatment there, he had recently taken to the streets, He asked if I would pray for him, and after a couple of minutes of prayer through a translator, he said that he felt totally at peace. He had been very anxious and unsettled lately, but in that moment, he felt peace. God is so good! All of the men were incredibly thankful for our service, and we enjoyed a time of getting to know them and praying for them. It was a very special time and a blessing to our team.

Serving The Base: 

Our last type of ministry while staying at YWAM Heredia was serving the base directly. The base sits on about seven acres of rural land and has gardens, an aquaponics system, and several types of farm animals. Our team really enjoyed working at the base, which included everything from landscaping to milking the goats. Their base takes a lot of work to maintain and they were very thankful that we were able to help out for a couple days.

(The right path leads back to a garden and the horse/goat pens. In the middle are two aquaponics systems.) 

One Last Highlight: 

During our second week in Heredia we continued to evangelize in one of the cities central parks, I met a man who was handing out fliers for his business, which was selling plots of land for burial. I began to ask him about his life and it turned out that he was a Christian. He immigrated to Costa Rica from Columbia ten years ago and now has a wife and two small children. He admitted that he hadn't been going to church as much as he would like to because he was so busy with work. I was able to pray for him for a few minutes and afterwards he said that he felt on fire and very refreshed. He was so thankful. I could tell that he was truly blessed by our encounter. He said it was just what he had needed. It can be really scary and awkward to walk up to strangers and try to spark a spiritual conversation (especially in a non-native language), but sometimes you can end up totally blessing someone. And even if somebody doesn't receive you well, you can still plant seeds of truth and encouragement that may grow later on. God is good and faithful. If we love Him, we are commanded to love others, not by our own strength, but by His strength. His grace is sufficient for us.

Stay tuned. I can't wait to share about the following week of our trip!

Much love,

- Trevor

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Costa Rica and Panama!

I`m leading a missionary outreach team to Costa Rica and Panama for the next three months. We arrived in Costa Rica today! Check out the video to hear about what we`re gonna be up to.

Monday, December 1, 2014

God is generous!

Here at YWAM Los Angeles we currently have three Discipleship Training Schools (DTS) running and 8 outreach teams that are leaving this week to serve for the next three months in other nations. Today is the deadline for all of the students to pay off their balance for outreach. Outreach trips range from 3-4 thousand dollars. This morning during our time of base-wide community worship we took an offering for the students who still needed more funds. There were about ten students who still needed money, four of them from the team that I am leading to Costa Rica and Panama. The total need between all students was about $8,000.

As a community of around 150 people, about half of which are students and the other half full-time volunteers at the base, we raised $7,300 through giving. And all four of the students on my team got paid off in full, plus some extra. Incredible.

This is all a reflection of who God is. God is so generous and He can meet every single need we have in our lives, from the spiritual to the practical. Every bit of the tuition and outreach cost I had in my DTS was paid off through the amazing generosity of others. We were never created to be fully independent. We need God's grace and we need each other. Community is beautiful, and it's God's idea. To those of you have supported me in my journey over the past couple years, through your thoughts, prayers and finances, thank you so much. I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing without you. I hope you're encouraged and filled with hope today. God is so good. He is so generous to us. He lavishes us with more grace, mercy, love and kindness than we could ever deserve.

God is good. God is beautiful, and you are made in His image. You are beautiful.

(ps - we'd appreciate your prayers today for our last student who still needs about $700!)

Sunday, November 30, 2014

I'm leading a team on a three month missions trip to Costa Rica and Panama. We leave this Friday. If you had told me two years ago that I would go to the Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica and Panama just to serve people share the love of Jesus, I would have been speechless. And God has provided all the money and support at every step of the journey through the generosity of others. I am blown away. God is so good to me, far more than I could ever deserve. It is an honor to be swept up into His story and to be a carrier of His Spirit. More glory to Him.

Thanks for listening. Thanks for being a part of my journey.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mexio Outreach

Our lovely and talented Communications department did an awesome job on a little write up about our schools time in Mexico a few weeks, so I'm pleased to share it with y'all! I will add that this was the first time that we worked together on everything within our outreach teams, so it was awesome to have the opportunity for us all to work alongside one another enjoy each others company some more. Thanks for reading! God bless ~ 

- Trevor


Fall DTS went on a week long mini-outreach to Door of Faith Orphanage in La Misiรณn, Mexico. It was a life changing time for many of the students, two of which got baptized while there. Below are a couple testimonies from students who were greatly impacted by their time at the orphanage.
“This trip changed a lot in my heart. One morning we got up at 4am to feed people in a poverty stricken area in Mexico. It was dark so we couldn’t really see what was around us. Alot of people came, children and adults, everyone was really happy and nice. After giving them food someone drove us around the neighborhood, I was shocked, they had barely enough to build their houses and lived on dirt as far as I could see. But the people were happy, and it was hard to believe how this could be possible. I realized how thankful I am for how I grew up and what I have, I was also ashamed because I have so much and they have so little. In this time God also set me free from my past. He spoke righteousness into my heart. I cannot thank God enough for these days full of compassion, joy and service to others.”
-Esther Weiss
“The Mexico trip was an amazing journey of serving others alongside friends. The orphanage was definitely a lot different from what we all were expecting to see. From the very beginning we were shown so much love from the staff and children. Throughout the week we got to serve in different ways like painting, helping with the babies, playing with the kids, or helping the poverty sections. Our eyes were opened to such gratefulness and love and we as missionaries in training had to remind ourselves of how much we really take for granted. As our trip came to an end we decided to top it off with baptisms that two people in our group decided to do. Definitely a very eye opening trip!!”
-Shaya Martin

Monday, November 3, 2014

Because, I Am In Love

This morning during base worship God was really speaking to my heart, and I felt compelled to share what He was impressing upon me...(no fancy intros here)...

We were singing the words, "Not my will, but Yours be done, cause I'm in love...I'm in love...I am in love", and I had the revelation of Jesus expressing that very same thing to the Father. As He was fasting in the wilderness and looking out upon the land before He started His ministry, knowing all the trial and opposition He would face, He must have taken strength in the will of the Father. He was compelled by love, both to obey the Father and to minister to the poor and broken of this world. As He was praying in the garden of Gethsemane, faced with the reality that He was about to endure the brutality and shame of the cross, He said not My will, but Yours be done (Mathew 26:39). How deeply in love must Jesus be, that He would obey the Father unto torturous death all that we might be saved! If we as Christians could muster up but a fraction of that furious love, in response to the love and sacrifice of Christ, how the world might be changed! A song of response came to my heart;

I'm alive and I am free
Because You are in love
With the Father
And with me

I then pictured myself standing in the wilderness with Jesus, overlooking the world His life so radically changed, and we were worshiping together. We had one arm around each other, and the other raised in worship to the Father; "Not my will, but Yours be done, cause I'm in love...I'm in love...I am in love!". Then I pictured the same thing as we were high up, looking out over my hometown, united in worship to the Father; "Not my will, but Yours be done, cause I'm in love...I'm in love...I am in love!".

And just last night the message I heard at church was out of Isaiah 6. "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?'. And I said, 'here am I. Send me!'" (Isaiah 6:8).

I may not know where my future will take me, but I know that the love that has changed my life calls for a lifelong response. There are no casual, unimportant days in the Kingdom of God. Every day, Christ walks with me. Oh how I desire to have an increased sensitivity to His presence, and an expanded capacity to receive His love. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Matthew 5:6).

There could be no greater calling, no greater adventure, than to live my life in the center of His will and purposes for me. Not my will, but His be done. Why?...

Because, I am in Love.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Student Testimonies + Pictures

Hey Friends!

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Things have been mighty busy around here lately. I still have a lot I want to fill you in on from the past few weeks including our mini-outreach to Mexico serving at Door of Faith orphanage. But for now I wanted to at least share a couple of quick things. Below is the link to a video of some of our current DTS students sharing about what God has been doing in their lives, as well as some pictures from our time in Mexico. I hope you enjoy!

YWAM Los Angeles - DTS Student Testimonies

            Team Panarica having a little fun after painting the dinning hall at Door of Faith orphanage.

                       Anne (Finland) having some bounding time with the kids at Door of Faith.

              Melissa (USA) and Louise (Sweden/Australia) got baptized on our last day in Mexico!

Well, I'll be writing again soon.
Thanks for checking in, and thanks for all your love and support!

- Trevor

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall DTS update #1: Students, outreach locations, and beyond

Hey friends!

Things are going great here at Youth With A Mission Los Angeles and our Fall Discipleship Training School (DTS) is diving in to its second week! We have an awesome group of students - 15 people representing 9 nations (Australia, Austria, Finland, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.S. and Canada) ranging in age from 17 to 27. They're all getting along great and seem very open and excited to grow in their relationships with God.

This week Steve Fry is teaching on the nature and character of God, and we are learning together with the Calling All Skaters DTS and the Justice DTS, which is focused on combating human trafficking. Our school just announced outreach locations to our students last night. We're sending a group to India and Nepal, and myself and two others will be leading a team to Panama and Costa Rica! I'm so excited to get to serve in these nations. We're probably going to be working with some very remote villages in Panama. I'll have more details about our outreach activities in the coming weeks. We'll be shipping out in early December. Until then we'll have teaching, training, and local-outreach activities in Los Angeles.

Prayer Requests: 

1 - Group Growth. Please pray for continual growth in our relationships with God and one another, and that nothing would hinder that growth, like homesickness or worry about the future. 

2 - Finances. I have to raise at least $500 a month to cover my living expenses here, and I currently have only $150 of pledged, monthly support. I'd be super blessed if you would join with me in prayer for this area. I know that when I follow God's direction, He never fails to provide. If you're considering becoming a financial partner, please let me know. I'd love to talk with you more in-depth about my work here.

I've attached another copy of my most recent newsletter in case you weren't able to view it last time around. I hope that you enjoy it. Thank you so much for reading, and please let me know if there's any way that I can be praying for you or with you 

Much love,
                 - Trevor 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September Newsletter (The Journey Continues!)

Hello friends and family!

Happy September! I hope that this coming Fall season finds you in good health and good spirits! You may have received an update from me a couple months ago talking about my upcoming journey to Kona, Hawaii for a six week spiritual leadership school through Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Let me start off by saying, thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers and financial support! I continue to be incredibly blessed by the involvement of friends and family in my life. Without the amazing community of love and support around me it would not have been possible for me to complete my Discipleship Training School (DTS) and serve for three months in the Philippines and Thailand in the Winter of 2012/1013, nor would I have been able to have an amazing time of education and training in Kona. I cannot express my thanks enough. I am truly blessed! 


I'm writing to you today to share with you the next chapter of where God is calling me and what He is doing in my life. About a month ago when I was in Kona, one of the leaders of my school asked me if I would be interested in staffing the Fall 2014 DTS at YWAM Los Angeles. Ever since my DTS began two years ago I knew that I wanted to come back to staff a DTS at YWAM Los Angeles. As is often the case, timing was the trickiest element to consider. After the Spiritual Leadership and Ministry school in Kona, my plan was to go back home for a few months to work and save up before coming on staff in LA in February. In my eyes, that would have been the most logical thing to do. But I asked God to put a passion in my heart for the Fall DTS if it was truly His will for me to come and help staff, and that is exactly what He did! And so I've decided to step into this new season with the faith and assurance that this is where God wants me, and He is going to do amazing things. I was back home in Santa Rosa for one week spending time with my family, and now I'm at YWAM Los Angeles preparing for the start of our school. The students are arriving next weekend! I can't believe how quickly I've been swept up into this new adventure!


My DTS was so critical in my life. I don't know where I would be right now if it hadn't been for those amazing six months of rediscovering God. I came to YWAM Los Angeles very broken. I was trapped in a cycle of fear, regret and depression.  I had completely lost sight of my identity. I thought I was defined by my weaknesses and mistakes. But I was wrong.  Because of DTS, I experienced breakthrough, peace, freedom, and the Father's love for the first time in years. And because of that six month journey, here I am now. I can't wait to serve, to continue growing, and in some small way, to be a part of the type of transformation I experienced for someone else.

"Two are better than one, because they have good pay for their work. For if one of them falls, the other can help him up. But it is hard for the one who falls when there is no one to lift him up." - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 

"Iron is made sharp with iron, and one man is made sharp by a friend." - Proverbs 27:17 

We all need friendship and community. We were never meant to live life on our own. When I first came to YWAM LA I was amazed to find a community of like minded believers who are incredibly sincere in their desire to know God and make Him known. I'm so humbled and excited by this opportunity to serve others in love and friendship, as we all push towards the goal of becoming more like Jesus, loving God, loving one another, and loving the poor and needy of this world.


As a staff member, I will get to play a large role in the discipleship and training of our students, through teaching, one-on-one meetings, leading a weekly small-group study, and co-leading an outreach team to a foreign nation. 


I'd like to invite you to partner with me in this journey! First and foremost, I would be honored to count you as a prayer partner. I believe there is so much that God wants to do in these coming months, and in my overall time of service at YWAM Los Angeles. If you would like to be a prayer partner, please let me know and I will be sure to give you bi-weekly updates and ways in which we can be praying together. Secondly, I would like to invite you to consider becoming a financial partner. Part of the DNA of YWAM is that as missionaries, we are dedicated to the value of reliance on God. From YWAM's founder, to the base director in LA, to the person in charge of kitchen operations, we have all sacrificed having a traditional job and a traditional income. It is by faith that we are answering God's call to serve, knowing full well that it will be a very challenging road. But time and time again, I have been incredibly surprised and deeply humbled by people's willingness to lend their financial support. If you see value in what I am doing and would like to be a financial partner - either with a one time gift or a monthly contribution - please let me know. I would love to discuss what I am doing with you in further detail!                                                                                                                                                    
Checks can be made out to "YWAM LA" and sent to the base, 11141 Osborne St, Sylmar, CA 91342, with a separate note indicating that it is intended for my staff support. Or you can donate online at All contributions towards staff members are tax deductible. 

Thank you so much for taking the time out to read about my journey. I hope that you and all your loved ones are incredibly blessed!

Much love,

- Trevor 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Swept up in His will (the return to YWAM Los Angeles)

Life continues to be full of the unexpected!

About a month ago while I was going through a spiritual leadership school at YWAM Kona, I was asked if I would like to help staff the 2014 Fall Discipleship Training School (DTS) at YWAM Los Angeles. Ever since I did my DTS in LA two years ago my heart has been set on returning, with timing of course always being the tricky part of the equation. I was planning on coming home to work and save up for a few months before going on staff in February, and then this seemingly crazy proposition was put before me. It seemed impractical, but I asked God to put a passion in my heart for this school if it was truly His will for me to come. And that is just what He did.

The students are arriving next weekend! I can't believe how quickly I've been swept up into this new adventure, but I'm so excited for what God is going to do in this coming season. My DTS was so critical in my life. I don't know where I would be right now if it hadn't been for those amazing six months of rediscovering God. I experienced breakthrough, freedom, and the Father's love for the first time in years. And because of that six month journey, here I am now. I can't wait to serve, to continue growing, and in some small way, to be a part of the type of transformation I experienced for someone else.

God is so good.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Prayer Chapel Psalm

Love is outward
Love is others-centered

His love for me is desperate
Desperate to indwell me
Desperate to heal me
Desperate to teach me

My Father delights in His children

His love is outward
It is desperate to be shared
He wants to lead me into His eternal reward,
True Love never ending

Your ways are high above my ways
Your love is greater than all creation

Transform my heart
Let it reflect Your beauty
Let it never resist You


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Back to Basics (Kona SLAM, week 1)

Aloha from the Big Island!

Last week our classes started for the Spiritual Leadership And Ministry seminar (SLAM) here in Kona Hawaii.  As classes began and I struggled to re-acclimate to the YWAM atmosphere, I felt a little lost. Life was so different back home. I have to admit that my relationship with God had grown cold, and now I find myself at a spiritual leadership school. Who do I think I am? What qualifies me to be a leader? The truth is, at this point I don't think I am qualified to formally lead others, but by the end of our first week the Lord began to change my perspective. I was feeling insecure because my pride didn't have anything to go off of. I didn't feel spiritually strong or exceptionally skilled, and God knows I have made countless mistakes in the past. But I finally realized that I'm not here because of my 'qualifications', but because of my calling, and at the center of that calling is relationship. God is constantly calling me into deeper relationship with Him.

When David Hamilton (former president of YWAM) was speaking about the importance of spending time in God's Word, he touched on a fundamental truth; "True love is this - to make the dreams of your Beloved come true". When I dream about the future I've often pictured greatness, but it's not about my own personal greatness, it's about God accomplishing great things. If I'm ever operating out of my own strength and understanding I feel completely overwhelmed when looking towards the future. A daily relationship with God is the only viable way to move forward. My eyes must remain fixed on Him. True love must be my motivation. The dreams that stir within me are God given, and it is His desire to partner with me to make them a reality. I don't want to be a 'great man' to fuel my own pride, I want to be 'God's man' to delight His heart. That sentence hit me after reading Psalms 131.

"My heart is not proud, Lord
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
But I have calmed and quieted myself
I am like a weaned child with its mother
like a weaned child I am content.

Israel, put your hope in the Lord
both now and forevermore."

According to Jim Stier (this weeks speaker and founder/director of YWAM Brazil) the only thing that will transform us so we can be co-participants in the divine nature is Jesus Christ within us. One thing we need and cannot forget, to sit at the feet of Jesus and let Him teach us.

Calling and direction for our future comes out of relationship. As we love Him, spend time with Him and ask Him questions, He will speak.

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." - Exodus 14:14

He has put my insecurities to rest. I am here because He wants me here. I am here to grow closer to Him.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A new adventure begins!

One month ago I decided to go to a six week YWAM leadership seminar at their central school in Kona, Hawaii. Tomorrow morning I hop on a plane. What started as a dream is about to become a reality, and I definitely did not get to this point alone. Thank you so much for your prayers and for your unbelievable generosity and support. I received way more financial support then I was anticipating or hoping for. I will be coming back from this trip debt free and with all three of my jobs ready to take me back. This is amazing. Seriously, thank you so much!

More to come.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June Newsletter, 2014

 Greetings friends and family!

I hope this letter finds you all doing well. Many of you may remember some news letters I sent out in late 2012/early 2013 about my journey with the Christian missionary organization Youth With A Mission (YWAM). I wanted to send you this letter to summarize that experience and to let you know what’s going on in my life right now.

In September 2012 – by an amazing set of circumstances – I went to YWAM Los Angeles for a six month Discipleship Training School (DTS), and my life was completely changed.  Though I’ve been blessed with loving, Christian parents and I’ve known God since a young age, from 18 to 21 I walked away from Him, and gradually I became a shell of my true self. I was incredibly lost and my depression was becoming debilitating. I knew that I desperately needed God in my life, but I couldn’t reach Him, so He reached out and did the work for me. My soul was dramatically reawakened to God’s love and He was so clearly at work in my life. I showed up to YWAM Los Angeles on a whim, with no preparation and no expectations, but God miraculously provided all the money I needed for my tuition and outreach costs and I was able to serve in the Philippines and Thailand for three months.

 I had an amazing time in the Philippines. My team worked in an orphanage and undertook a huge tree planting project so that the sales of the fruit could benefit local farmers and the aforementioned orphanage. I had never worked so closely with kids before, and it definitely touched my heart. Taking care of those kids gave me an insight into the fatherly love of God. Thank God, we are all His children, so none of us have to be without a father! Our time in Thailand was an absolute blast, as well.

We spent one month in Chiang Mai – Thailand’s second largest city – partnering with a local ministry that reaches out to workers in the red light district and helps pull them out of the sex trade. We spent the second month in Mae Sot, which borders Burma and is highly populated with Burmese refugees. We had the awesome opportunity to do street evangelism, teach English to young students, do construction work at a school, and pray for the sick at a Burmese refugee clinic. The highlight for me was witnessing a healing, first hand. A friend and I were praying for a man who was burning up with fever and as we were praying we could literally feel his temperature dropping. All we could do was laugh. God is awesome!

The entire experience was amazing. It was not by my wisdom, strength, or carefully laid plans, and it was not by my provision. It was God. God was calling me back to where I belong and calling me to new heights. And He continues to call me forward. Since before my DTS was even over, I knew that I wanted to return to YWAM and continue to be a part of this amazing culture. I’d love to be a leader for a Discipleship Training School so that I could support students in the same way that I was supported.

A couple of weeks ago I heard of an opportunity to attend a six week leadership school (Spiritual Leadership and Ministry Development, or SLAM) in Kona, Hawaii which is where the main hub school for YWAM is located. The school begins on July 4th.Obviously I wanted to attend, but I was intimidated by how quickly it was approaching and whether or not I could realistically go. Just a few days ago – after some encouragement from a leader at YWAM Los Angeles – I pulled the trigger and decided to go for it. I know this will be an amazing school (the founder of YWAM is one of the teachers, for one thing) and an amazing time to further develop in the Lord. Please pray for all the logistics to come together within the coming weeks, for the students, and for the teachers. I believe that God has awesome things in store for all of us.

I have a couple of weeks left that I can work, but because this all came together so quickly I still need to raise about $1,000 on top of what I’ll make. Financial need can be very stressful, but I know that if this is where God is leading me, He will provide. He certainly has proved that to me before!

If you’re interested in reading up on the school you can go to > programs > secondary schools > School of Ministry Development

And if you would like to contribute towards this journey you can donate at and enter “SLAM” into the name of school section. 

Also, I know that many of you have been an unbelievable support to me in the past - both in prayer and in finances - and for that I thank you! Seriously, thank you so much! I hope that you share in all of the joy I was able to experience during my DTS, because you were a part of making it happen!

I hope that you and your loved ones are all truly blessed. Take care!

- Trevor

“I will never be the same, Love has called my name”

The Journey Continues

A brief testimony on the last couple years of my life, and what’s happening right now:

(originally published June 10th, 2014)

As many of you know, two years ago – by an amazing set of circumstances – I went to YWAM Los Angeles for a six month Discipleship Training School, and my life was completely changed. Though I’ve been blessed with loving, Christian parents and I’ve known God since a young age, from 18 to 21 I walked away from Him and gradually I became a shell of my former self. I was so incredibly lost and my depression became debilitating. I knew that I desperately needed God in my life, but I couldn’t reach Him, so He reached out and did the work for me. My soul was radically reawakened to God’s love and He was so clearly at work in my life. I showed up on a whim with no preparation and no expectations, but He miraculously provided all the money I needed for my tuition and outreach costs, and I was able to serve in the Philippines and Thailand for three months.

So unplanned. So unexpected. 100% God.

Since before my DTS was even over I knew that I wanted to return to YWAM and continue to be a part of this amazing culture. I’d love to be a leader for the type of school I went through so that I can support students in the same way that I was supported. It wasn’t just my life that was changing, lives were changing all around me, and our staff was constantly pouring into us and cheering us on. Amazing.

A couple of weeks ago I heard of an opportunity to attend a six week leadership school (Spiritual Leadership and Ministry Development, or SLAM) in Kona, Hawaii which is where the main hub school for YWAM is located. The school begins on July 4th. Obviously I wanted to attend, but I was intimidated by how quickly it was approaching and whether or not I could realistically go. Just a few days ago I pulled the trigger and decided I’m going to go for it. I know this will be an amazing school (the founder of YWAM is one of the teachers, for one thing) and an amazing time to further develop in the Lord. Please pray for all the logistics to come together within the coming weeks, for the students, and for the teachers. I still have a couple of weeks I can work, but because this all came together so quickly I still need to raise about $1,000 on top of what I’ll make. Financial need can be very stressful, but I know that if this is where God is leading me, He will provide! He certainly has proved that to me before.

Also, I know that many of you have been an unbelievable support to me in the past, both in prayer and finances, and for that I thank you! Seriously, thank you so much!

Well, thanks for reading guys and gals I hope you’re all doing well!

- Trevor